Tuesday, August 31, 2010

6 Days Of Sore Throat, No What

Fiftieth Anniversary Party Plate

Very few know of its existence, let alone pay tribute, but the monument that reminds Esteban Echeverría, is there, lost in a sea of \u200b\u200bvehicles crossing the roundabout entry the district in Luis Guillon, no one can guess what it is that white object in the center of the square, half hidden by bushes.
is that when "Friends of Monte Grande", there by the year 1945, decided to honor the memory of the patron of the district, thought of building an obelisk tall enough to be seen from all directions converging on the roundabout.
This entity, Pitre Cichero with Hannibal as president of the Tribute Committee, conducted a popular collection to raise funds to achieve their goal. And with the presence of Mayor Juan Guillermo Stura and Governor Merchant, the work was inaugurated with great pomp on April 27, 1952.
The memorial, in whose face was engraved the words "Esteban Echeverría hero, thinker and poet. Born in Buenos Aires l September 2, 1805. He died in Montevideo on 19 January 1851, was blessed by Father Grondona.
But the eye did not stop the spike seen in history and the tribute was rendered to our forefathers, so that the obelisk that not only remembered the poet and thinker, but also was reference point to mark the entrance to the district, was demolished to widen the Camino de Cintura, but the roundabout was in place, just moved a few meters from its original axis.
just two years went by empowering the new route, more restless entities in seeking support of our history, decided to deploy a new monument. This is how the Board of Historical Studies, Friends of Monte Grande and Arts and Letters, joined to carry out the work.
The cornerstone of the new monument was installed on August 29, 1981 in the presence of the municipal commissioner, Alberto Groppi. The sculpture was done by artist Victor Doroz. But
there is no way stop the hardship that resembles the work Echeverría, while it was stolen by unknown hands, and again we ran out of tax, until 1998, under the superintendency of the same counter Groppi was reinstalled a new bust, this time made by artist Dante Puig, although still remains almost anonymous.
Source: Monthly Journal "It is history in Echeverría" Mr. Carlos Angel Souza.

The name of our party is due to José Esteban Echeverría, who was born in Buenos Aires on September 2, 1805. Argentina was the son of Dona Maria Espinosa and English Basque Vizcaino Jose Domingo Echeverría. Extended primary education in the school of San Telmo, being a rebellious teenager and bohemian, but applied to the study. Were his admired masters, war Mariano Agüero Juan Manuel Fernandez. In 1822 he joined the University. It was no father and his mother died that year, whose death will feel guilty, dissipated life. Several years studying at the College of Moral Sciences, gives it up in late 1823, despite having been a student applied. Login as a dependent on strong trading house Lezica Brothers. Resolves to 20 years to complete their education in Europe. On October 17, 1825, he traveled to France, aboard "The Young Matilda", and after a bumpy journey, comes to Le Havre. In "The angel fallen, "testament to that journey stops in an epic poem shows the influence of Lord Byron and Joseph of Espronceda. In the beginning of his journey, the journey between the Rio de la Plata and Brazil, writes" Pilgrimage Gualpén " . Already installed in Paris in the Faubourg Saint-Jacques, from March 6, 1827, studied various sciences, politics, philosophy, literature and economics. is familiar with ideological literary trends of the time, he studied at the Ateneo drawing in an academy and political economy and law at the Sorbonne. There it was interested in the literary trends of the time, and studied with exemplary zeal, making a solid character education and assimilating countless encyclopedic works in French and English. In 1829 the lack of resources forced him to return to Buenos Aires. With this important background returns to his hometown (June 1830) fully transformed. Silver enters the literary romanticism, leading to a fruitful renewal, and formulates the doctrine of political liberalism, permeated with high social and educational concerns. His arrival was not lost, "La Gaceta Mercantil" that in spite of their poverty typeface was in those days, the spokesman of the new features might be of interest to the public, had been reproduced in its reduced columns, two poetic compositions Echeverria, "The Return" and "May Day celebrations, poetry and had not read or better, or similar, from many years ago. In 1831, he published his first short verses in the newspaper "La Gaceta Mercantil" and the verses of "The Prophecy of Silver" newspaper "El Diario de la Tarde." The following year, in 1832, published in pamphlet form, "Elvira's girlfriend Plata or" considered the first romantic work in English. In June 1830, he returned to Buenos Aires, and introduced into the Río de la Plata literary romanticism, in the Hall papers are read, the lectures and discussion. Echeverria is one of its great leaders, participated actively in meetings of literary salon and got a renewal. He later published the first book of verse literature Argentina (Previously published poems are loose), "Country Comforts" (1834) and "Rhymes" (1837), which includes his most important work in verse: "Wow." In 1837-according to the best-open inquiries Literary Salon where he actively participated in the library of Don Marco Sastre. In 1838, Rosas ordered the closure of the Hall, Echeverria replacement based on a secret society, the Association of Young Generation Argentina ", which reads" symbolic words "with the ideas of the new generation, contrary to John Manuel de Rosas, which then renamed "Asociación de Mayo", the Asociación de Mayo, in the manner of the young Italy of Mazzini. Echeverría himself and other members conspicuous point in 1837 as the foundation of the company named, but recent research can be established that such a thing happens only on July 8, 1838. The Association has branches in the provinces of Córdoba, Tucumán and San Juan. Militate in its ranks most of the men who returned to organize the Republic after Caseros, based on the principles outlined in her womb by Echeverría, and developed in the "Dogma Socialista" work published in "The Indicator" of Montevideo , on 1 January 1839, and pulled apart, with some modifications, in 1846, the Uruguayan capital, preceded by the "retrospect." In 1839, Echeverria, despite agreeing with the seizure of power by non-violent, adheres to the failed "Uprising Dolores" or "los Libres del Sur" against the government Rosas, which is dictated by the "Law of November 9, 1839 "which, among other things, identifies the unit as authors of the coup. Presumably, between 1838 and 1840, while residing at the "The logging" near Luján, Buenos Aires, he wrote his wonderful realistic story "The Slaughterhouse", the first of its kind written in the Plate, be published posthumously, and his "Manual of Moral Education" for primary schools (1846). It was foolhardy to stay longer in the country. Then emigrated to Uruguay (late 1840). First living in Colonia del Sacramento and Montevideo installed in 1841 writes to Argentina's youth, revolutionary and write a poem, moreover, "Avellaneda", "The Fallen Angel" and "guitar." From adolescence has to fight the disease. Continually suffer from nerves and pursues his heart condition. His health deteriorated considerably in 1851, lived in solitude and poverty, and died of a lung ailment in Montevideo (Uruguay) on 19 January of that year.

Actresses With Curly Red Hair

Esteban Echeverria Esteban Echeverria