Friday, April 29, 2011

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Dalai PEJE

El Peje Messiah The Chosen one that only LOVE

A terrific article about the inconsistencies and sudden changes in Peje, after a while we see that the "Pejismo" is another religion with all and Apostles :

Hector Mauleón / / The Dalai López

Andrés Manuel López Obrador has asked his followers change in Mexico through the kindness, spirituality, strengthening the values \u200b\u200band love of neighbor. There was not anything more recent speech to remind the angry political leader that President Street, decreed lynchings and asked to hell with the institutions. It seems that the beatific López Obrador is heading toward the 2012 elections did not break a plate. He finished the stage in which, after being anointed hands as "legitimate president," Lopez Obrador took to the task slopes touring the country to create their own political platform from a speech that, among other things has sown resentment hatred, bitterness. Today has gone political leader. Arises, instead, the religious leader. Please welcome the Dalai AMLO: "That will strengthen our moral and spiritual values, which is practiced love of neighbor, which is to step aside individualism, greed, hatred, take away the idea that needs addressing evil with evil, on the contrary, we must confront evil with good, need to internalize and spread the idea that happiness is not just accumulating material goods but that happiness is to be good with yourself, is to be well with our consciousness, is to be well with others. " Should thank their authenticity. López Obrador has never been as far as he himself. If the first step was the formation of a sect, natural, now, is the erection of a church . What better way of purifying the national life than dealing with what, according to the poet José Carlos Becerra still call the soul? He said Lopez Obrador in his last speech: "The current crisis is not going to solve the material basis, ie, improving workers' wages, creating jobs, including better education, you have access to housing and health values \u200b\u200bmust be strengthened. " I remember an interview in times of lawlessness. López Obrador said: "I am passionate about life and work of Jesus. He also was persecuted in his time, spied on by the powerful of his time and crucified him. " In that same interview, said: "I am calling a spiritual movement." Nobody cared too much that in a secular state, a politician would have brought it up to Jesus and to establish even the metaphor of the crucifixion to refer to a particular martyrdom (any other politician, for less, would have rained insults) . Today, the religious emphasis, rather, the exploitation of popular religion for political purposes, appears again in the roar of bullets, in the middle the clamor that has sparked the failed strategy against drug government Felipe Calderón. It is no coincidence. López Obrador usufruct "no more blood" to get into the field where he feels most comfortable: one in which the eternal battle being waged between the powers of good and evil. Roughly translated: the "they" lavished wrong, I preach the good, while " they" arm, I spread the love, while "they" promote hatred, I moral values \u200b\u200band spiritual. We're finally to the true AMLO: a preacher led by a sacred mission. Save Mexico

AMLO, Peje, movement brunette legitimate president

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Chosen silly money to burn ONLY IN MEXICO

is no doubt that the stories of burning money on foolishness abound in Mexico , the example clearer map of billions of dollars to states without any control and where these chiefs is spent on salaries or expenses stupid, another example the burning of millions of dollars in PEMEX platforms not allocate money for a Plant Gas, and most recently the 100.000 million dollars annually spent on subsidizing gasoline.

the scourge of politicians who run the country do not have enough brains to allocate the money in productive activities such as research and development will only care about their privileges and life of Pharaohs.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

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Bicentennial Celebration ephemeral but NO COST Members of the City

Mexico in September 2010 celebrated 200 years of independent but what if everyone is angry to read the following article demonstrating the excessive waste of money on ephemeral celebrations , assigned no-bid contracts worth millions, the worst thing is not something that future generations enjoy:

in the abandonment, and watches the Bicentennial Colossus

More than six months of the Bicentennial Celebrations, the objects that were used for the celebration, as the Colossus and watches, are abandoned and important works such as the Bicentennial Park and the monument Stela of Light remain unfinished. THE UNIVERSAL conducted tours of the works mentioned as Colossus, made by 20 meters high and 8 tons, which was prepared by Juan Carlos Canfield. The figure is still in the courts of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Programme for School Construction (CAPFCE) of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP). The Colossus, which previously was covered by tarps, now is not protected and in the days of rain has fallen in the open. When requesting information on the SEP on the final destination of the piece, said they are still seeking to locate an area where, because of the material, they said, the enormous work can not be outdoors. Of the 34 countdown clocks were installed from 2008 in the states (a Additional in Mexico City and another in Guanajuato) by Turissste Agency, and the cost was 11 million 726 thousand pesos, to date most are unused and unknown end use will be given. In the case of Bicentennial Park, which had an investment of 15 million billion pesos, still has 22 hectares to be upgraded. The lake, the area of \u200b\u200bfast food and park offices are still not built. Staff involved with the Bicentennial Park Museum "building that already existed in what was formerly the Azcapotzalco refinery, said they still continue to work" too long "and could verify the existence of several machines bulldozers and a large red wall that delimits the area of \u200b\u200bthe park is now complete of which is unfinished.

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obtained millions of dollars

... the millions donated by all taxpayers, of the 66 deputies the Federal District Legislative Assembly received on average 65 196 000 801 pesos each to the concept that "privileges" for and other administrative support but do not really have to prove that a penny is spent.

Another example of useless expenses!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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Shield of Venezuela - United Provinces of Venezuela 1811 - 1812

Shield of Venezuela - Gran Colombia 1819 - 1830

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Labor Reform another 41 years without any changes? Traveling

1 week ago PRI echo back her proposal to amend Article 123 concerning the Labor Law, this law was very similar to that presented the PAN in 2010, but due to the proximity of elections in the State of Mexico said it best and for another, because of the inaction of garbage Mexico Political Parties continue losing international competitiveness, to see if they spend another 41 years without making much-needed reforms, the principal should be those relating to Unions Drones.

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HD Virtual tour of Saturn, an excellent video in high definition on what would be traveling in a spacecraft near Saturn, all built with images from NASA's Cassini probe.

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attack Syrian opposition starts 25 years of Chernobyl

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has begun with the army crackdown against protesters demanding an However, when there are already 25 people totaling 390 since the beginning of the opposition on 15 March.

Perhaps this is the beginning of another Libya, where NATO bombing stops and the system remains intact.

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Flag of the Province of Buenos Aires Esteban Echeverria

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

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cause failed a safety test for the company

After 25 years of the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power station, is made known that the catastrophe was caused by a failed test of the security system.

when performing the tests, the reactor produced a large increase in power and catastrophic explosions occurred 2, then the reactor core was destroyed, releasing highly radioactive cloud that swept Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Western Europe.

Pripyat city with a population of 48,000 was evacuated one day after the explosion, the situation was controlled until mid-May and built a concrete layer to protect against future radioactive emissions.

Chernobyl was closed completely until December 2000 and has since built a large sarcophagus to protect and is expected to be completed in 2015 at a cost of one billion dollars.

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Fine Green Child Jorge Emilio González Martínez

This Partiducho that denigrates the ecological struggle and is a mere hindrance to large parties with its famous 10% of the vote in the next week you will receive a large fine of 250 million pesos this because 2 years ago the IFE (which is very quick to work) realized from the use of the capsules of the game in primetime telenovelas using artists and to promote "work" with the use stars of the moment as Maite Perroni.

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Penalties for not voting in Mexico

more truant Rep. of this Legislature Jorge Kahwagi of partiducho HONEYCOMB (a subsidiary of SNTE) has attended only 5 of 22 sessions, and the worst is that if work of the 49 reforms approved alone has given its vote in 10, he now seeks to reform violations or punish the voters who did not go to vote in state or federal elections, the penalty would be community service

This is not a bad idea, but sanctions should also promote Drones Members only charge for doing nothing.

Monday, April 25, 2011

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is being investigated by Fox and FISCO

Something that seems incredible former President Vicente Fox (Presichente Fox) is being investigated by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) due to illicit enrichment during six years, but should also investigate the children of Martha Sahagun, but a start.

Fox from his crazy statements then said "that is not aware of the investigation, and that such work has no basis "

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illicit enrichment german go after tax evaders APRIL 3

Last year, German tax agency buy stolen information from Swiss bank Julius Baer Group AG on to secret accounts with German citizens in that country to avoid taxes, something curious is that the Swiss bank paid 50 million Euros to complete the research process.

the German government has initiated several investigations against rich people to force them to pay what should and punish them.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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Friday, April 22, 2011

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