Thursday, April 28, 2011

Build Electronic Goose Call

Bicentennial Celebration ephemeral but NO COST Members of the City

Mexico in September 2010 celebrated 200 years of independent but what if everyone is angry to read the following article demonstrating the excessive waste of money on ephemeral celebrations , assigned no-bid contracts worth millions, the worst thing is not something that future generations enjoy:

in the abandonment, and watches the Bicentennial Colossus

More than six months of the Bicentennial Celebrations, the objects that were used for the celebration, as the Colossus and watches, are abandoned and important works such as the Bicentennial Park and the monument Stela of Light remain unfinished. THE UNIVERSAL conducted tours of the works mentioned as Colossus, made by 20 meters high and 8 tons, which was prepared by Juan Carlos Canfield. The figure is still in the courts of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Programme for School Construction (CAPFCE) of the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP). The Colossus, which previously was covered by tarps, now is not protected and in the days of rain has fallen in the open. When requesting information on the SEP on the final destination of the piece, said they are still seeking to locate an area where, because of the material, they said, the enormous work can not be outdoors. Of the 34 countdown clocks were installed from 2008 in the states (a Additional in Mexico City and another in Guanajuato) by Turissste Agency, and the cost was 11 million 726 thousand pesos, to date most are unused and unknown end use will be given. In the case of Bicentennial Park, which had an investment of 15 million billion pesos, still has 22 hectares to be upgraded. The lake, the area of \u200b\u200bfast food and park offices are still not built. Staff involved with the Bicentennial Park Museum "building that already existed in what was formerly the Azcapotzalco refinery, said they still continue to work" too long "and could verify the existence of several machines bulldozers and a large red wall that delimits the area of \u200b\u200bthe park is now complete of which is unfinished.


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