Friday, August 8, 2008

Population 8 Genetics And Evolution

Brief Summary: Pedro de Mendoza was the first English who explored the Rio de la Plata, settling in 1536 within walking distance of the Brook. The Querandíes-the indigenous people who inhabited the area, were not warlike, but against the abuse of Europeans broke the relationship with them. In response, Mendoza sent a regiment against the Indians, producing combat "Corpus Christi", which took place near the Lagoon Rocha (on land that belonged to the party of Esteban Echeverría). In it, the conquerors had to retire defeated. After the second foundation of Buenos Aires launched by Juan de Garay, and now with the English power much more consolidated, boosted the distribution of Aboriginal and labor. The Querandis again resist but were beaten bloody, on the banks of the river that has since been called "The Massacre" (which currently divides the communities of Esteban Echeverría and La Matanza). The first resident was Mr. Matthew Sanchez echeverriano , prosecutor of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires, who was given in 1595, a grant of land form part of this district (these parcels form part of the Estancia "Santa Catalina"). A few years later, in the area authorized the activity of the "dairy" (ownership of cattle without owner), so many farms began to proliferate. Mr Sanchez is "our first neighbor" and is worthy of their responsibility and zeal, acted in the matter of "three hundred and fifty horses and mares tails", which reportedly was the first export of Buenos Aires. Juan Torres de Navarrete in 1537 authorized the killing of more than three hundred horses to export only the queues at the coast of Guinea. The Real Audiencia de Charcas, banned such practices to understand that the Maroons belonged to the villagers. The area began to be populated in 1825 with the arrival of a Scottish colony of 211 persons, authorized by the then government of Bernardino Rivadavia to settle and work in the field. Until 1896, the town belonged to the then party Lomas de Zamora. On April 9, 1913 created the district of Esteban Echeverría. On May 18, 1924, is empowered Stop Villa de Mayo (Today Luis Guillon). To this end the Southern Railway Manager, announced the day before: "... since tomorrow will stop at the Km 23 Villa de Mayo, trains depart this to Constitution, at 23.5 Hs, Hs 6.07 and 6.57 . and back to this in the Hs 17.40, 18.17 and 18.48. Is a marked advancement for the above Village, to be reflected in the valuation of land and the building of many lots. To celebrate the event there will be a country fair, "the official concluded. The date of foundation of the city, for that chant called Villa de Mayo is taken as the November 6, 1926, the day on which established the railway station called then stop 23,450 km. It should mention other immigration flows engradecimiento who participated in our City, as the Italian, among others, for example.


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