Thursday, May 22, 2008

Does Bodyfat Change In The Day

Frigate "Symmetry of Scarboro" Dr. Cecilia Grierson

On March 11, 1824 an agreement was signed between the government of Rivadavia and the Robertson brothers. Based on the agreement of nine articles, was created the first Scottish settlement in the Rio de la Plata. The provincial government agreed to cede a portion of land, providing money, tools and equipment, and individuals are forced to introduce, in a period of one year at least 200 families and to return the cash advances. A year later, as the future settlers were en route, the government's promises were not met ... then bought Robertson, with the help of 8 families of farmers, three contiguous farms totaling 6475 acres: The Laguna, Monte Grande and Santa Catalina. Santa Catalina built in a neoclassical style residence and an area reserved for future town. Each farmer was given a tract of land sufficient for the work of planting, dairy and forage crops.

Estancia "Santa Catalina", the epicenter of the Scottish Colony of Monte Grande. Served as temporary accommodation to the settlers who in 1825 settled in our region. Residence that was owned by Mr. William Parish Robertson, the family of Don Guillermo Don Grierson and finally Thomas Fair. (Photo published in the book "First and only Scottish colony formed by the Argentina ", Blade III, author: Dr. Cecilia Grierson, edition 1925.)

The May 22, 1825 sailed from Leith, near the City of Edinburgh, Scotland, the frigate" Symmetry of Scarboro ', the ship chartered by John and William Robertson. We know he endured a terrible journey of about eighty days. After 78 days of sailing arrived at the Port of Buenos Aires on August 11. The contingent consisted of 220 people between married, unmarried adults and children and included, besides 50 laborers and servants, to landholders, carpenters, masons, blacksmiths, surveyors, etc.
In 1828 the population of the colony was 514 people, had edificado 78 viviendas y cultivado 16000 acres. Había 2700 vacas lecheras, 990 ovejas y se sembraba trigo y maíz.
Hubo muchos factores que provocaron la disolución de esta colonia: el desplazamiento de Rivadavia (impulsor del movimiento inmigratorio), enfrentamientos entre provincias que transformaron a la colonia en un campo de batalla, falta de experiencia y una gran sequía que asoló por varios años a las tierras. En abril de 1829, los unitarios encabezados por Lavalle fueron derrotados por los federales en el Puente de Márquez, y esté fue el detonante de la dispersión. Unas pocas familias quedaron en Monte Grande hasta 1858 y las otras se dispersaron por Lomas, Quilmes, San Vicente, Chascomús y Buenos Aires. In 1925, reduced to only 80 hectares, was sold to the government.


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