Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sample Welcone Address


The Shield building official of Esteban Echeverría, comes from the project raised to Honorable Council by Mr Hugo A. Socchi, on November 9, 1959, exp. No. 0361/59, under the Administration of Mr. Celestino Galvan. It was chosen by competition, including two that were presented. Its authors are Mr. Julio Renso Iori and Arnaldo Enrique Sanchez, based on the original land area. Our shield paragraph in its conception, any rule heraldry, was then edged with a ribbon (not officially adopted) with the Argentine colors, which is stamped with the date of creation of the Partido de Esteban Echeverría, (April 9, 1913). There remains the creation of a new shield from the loss of territory (in 1993 and 1994 respectively) to form two new parties geographical .-

Population 8 Genetics And Evolution Answers

Partido de Esteban Echeverria Don Bust Luis Guillon Guillon

The bust of Don Luis Guillon was made by Patricia Linares and Gerardo Zielinski.
is located in the Plaza 25 de Mayo "at the intersection of Black Street and José Adolfo Hernandez.

The plaque reads:
"Don Luis Guillon
03/19/1851 13/08/1923
neighbor and precursor Distinguished Foundation Party Esteban Echeverría. Homenaje Luis Rotary Club 03/19/1994
Guillón "

Sunday, August 10, 2008

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

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Don Luis Parada 23 540 - Villa de Mayo - Luis Guillon

A curiosity: Note the presence of the Flag of England Flag of France to the sides of the flag of Argentina, which is in the center.

Historic Eucalyptus, which appears in the foundation (Top left)

Luis Guillon positioning in the world:

• City: Luis Guillon
• Country: Argentina

• Province: Buenos Aires
• Party: Esteban Echeverría

Official information IFAM BUE037
• Location 34 ° 47 '60''S, 58 ° 27' 0''O
• Altitude 21 meters above sea level

• Area 26.11 km ²
Foundation • November 6, 1926
• Population 37,843 inhabitants. (INDEC, 2001)

• Density n / d
natives n / d

• Zip
• Telephone code: 011

• Barrios:

• The Sofia
• The Mulberry
• The Eucalyptus
• Los Robles
• Parish Robertson
• Delfino Park

• Santa Catalina • Villa de Mayo


limited to street travez Petracca to April 9 (Pdo. E. Echeverría) .- South
limited to travez of Av Pedro Suarez with Barrio Lindo (Pdo. Almirante Brown) .- travez
east of Belt Road (National Route No. 4) with the Pdo. Lomas de Zamora .- travez
the West to the streets and Prayon Tte. Benjamin Matienzo with Mt. Grande (Pdo. E. Echeverría) .-

Party • Mayor Esteban Echeverría: Mr. Fernando Gray (Frente para la Victoria).

Friday, August 8, 2008

Population 8 Genetics And Evolution

Brief Summary: Pedro de Mendoza was the first English who explored the Rio de la Plata, settling in 1536 within walking distance of the Brook. The Querandíes-the indigenous people who inhabited the area, were not warlike, but against the abuse of Europeans broke the relationship with them. In response, Mendoza sent a regiment against the Indians, producing combat "Corpus Christi", which took place near the Lagoon Rocha (on land that belonged to the party of Esteban Echeverría). In it, the conquerors had to retire defeated. After the second foundation of Buenos Aires launched by Juan de Garay, and now with the English power much more consolidated, boosted the distribution of Aboriginal and labor. The Querandis again resist but were beaten bloody, on the banks of the river that has since been called "The Massacre" (which currently divides the communities of Esteban Echeverría and La Matanza). The first resident was Mr. Matthew Sanchez echeverriano , prosecutor of the Cabildo of Buenos Aires, who was given in 1595, a grant of land form part of this district (these parcels form part of the Estancia "Santa Catalina"). A few years later, in the area authorized the activity of the "dairy" (ownership of cattle without owner), so many farms began to proliferate. Mr Sanchez is "our first neighbor" and is worthy of their responsibility and zeal, acted in the matter of "three hundred and fifty horses and mares tails", which reportedly was the first export of Buenos Aires. Juan Torres de Navarrete in 1537 authorized the killing of more than three hundred horses to export only the queues at the coast of Guinea. The Real Audiencia de Charcas, banned such practices to understand that the Maroons belonged to the villagers. The area began to be populated in 1825 with the arrival of a Scottish colony of 211 persons, authorized by the then government of Bernardino Rivadavia to settle and work in the field. Until 1896, the town belonged to the then party Lomas de Zamora. On April 9, 1913 created the district of Esteban Echeverría. On May 18, 1924, is empowered Stop Villa de Mayo (Today Luis Guillon). To this end the Southern Railway Manager, announced the day before: "... since tomorrow will stop at the Km 23 Villa de Mayo, trains depart this to Constitution, at 23.5 Hs, Hs 6.07 and 6.57 . and back to this in the Hs 17.40, 18.17 and 18.48. Is a marked advancement for the above Village, to be reflected in the valuation of land and the building of many lots. To celebrate the event there will be a country fair, "the official concluded. The date of foundation of the city, for that chant called Villa de Mayo is taken as the November 6, 1926, the day on which established the railway station called then stop 23,450 km. It should mention other immigration flows engradecimiento who participated in our City, as the Italian, among others, for example.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

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Frigate "Symmetry of Scarboro" Dr. Cecilia Grierson

On March 11, 1824 an agreement was signed between the government of Rivadavia and the Robertson brothers. Based on the agreement of nine articles, was created the first Scottish settlement in the Rio de la Plata. The provincial government agreed to cede a portion of land, providing money, tools and equipment, and individuals are forced to introduce, in a period of one year at least 200 families and to return the cash advances. A year later, as the future settlers were en route, the government's promises were not met ... then bought Robertson, with the help of 8 families of farmers, three contiguous farms totaling 6475 acres: The Laguna, Monte Grande and Santa Catalina. Santa Catalina built in a neoclassical style residence and an area reserved for future town. Each farmer was given a tract of land sufficient for the work of planting, dairy and forage crops.

Estancia "Santa Catalina", the epicenter of the Scottish Colony of Monte Grande. Served as temporary accommodation to the settlers who in 1825 settled in our region. Residence that was owned by Mr. William Parish Robertson, the family of Don Guillermo Don Grierson and finally Thomas Fair. (Photo published in the book "First and only Scottish colony formed by the Argentina ", Blade III, author: Dr. Cecilia Grierson, edition 1925.)

The May 22, 1825 sailed from Leith, near the City of Edinburgh, Scotland, the frigate" Symmetry of Scarboro ', the ship chartered by John and William Robertson. We know he endured a terrible journey of about eighty days. After 78 days of sailing arrived at the Port of Buenos Aires on August 11. The contingent consisted of 220 people between married, unmarried adults and children and included, besides 50 laborers and servants, to landholders, carpenters, masons, blacksmiths, surveyors, etc.
In 1828 the population of the colony was 514 people, had edificado 78 viviendas y cultivado 16000 acres. Había 2700 vacas lecheras, 990 ovejas y se sembraba trigo y maíz.
Hubo muchos factores que provocaron la disolución de esta colonia: el desplazamiento de Rivadavia (impulsor del movimiento inmigratorio), enfrentamientos entre provincias que transformaron a la colonia en un campo de batalla, falta de experiencia y una gran sequía que asoló por varios años a las tierras. En abril de 1829, los unitarios encabezados por Lavalle fueron derrotados por los federales en el Puente de Márquez, y esté fue el detonante de la dispersión. Unas pocas familias quedaron en Monte Grande hasta 1858 y las otras se dispersaron por Lomas, Quilmes, San Vicente, Chascomús y Buenos Aires. In 1925, reduced to only 80 hectares, was sold to the government.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Broken Garage Door Clip Art

Dr. Cecilia Grierson, was born in Buenos Aires on November 22, 1859. It was the first woman to graduate as a doctor in South America. She was the daughter of John Parish Robertson Grierson, descendant of the first Scottish settlers arrived in the country and Jane Duffy, of Irish origin. And was he kept in his possession Watercolor depicting the frigate "Symmetry of Scarboro." While still a student, founded in 1885, within the Argentine Medical Circle, the first Nursing School in South America, an organization that addressed itself until 1913. Dr. Cecilia Grierson died in Buenos Aires on April 10, 1934. In his honor, the School of Nursing of the City of Buenos Aires is named.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

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Dr. Cecilia Grierson (Medical Examination)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

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House Luis Guillon - 1931

Part of what remains of the house of Don Luis Guillon. Luis Guillon was born in Lyon, France, on March 19, 1851, immigrating to our country in 1868, when he was 17 years old. At first was related to the business of buying and selling of wool, providing more plants tissue. He was a connoisseur of the subject. Developed these activities in Tandil and then sold sheep products, importing industrial goods and representing French. Since 1878, Don Luis Guillon installed, founding the "Farm Guillon," who lies to occupy the fields that had been owned by Lezama and Gonzalez Moreno. Here is dedicated the Rambouillet sheep, a variety of Merino sheep. The farm had a majestic trees, which, until recently could be seen on time, at the intersection of Av Buenos Aires Boulevard and Camino de Cintura. At the time of the year 1885, the area now occupied by the progressive City of Luis Guillon, was integrated by rough and uninhabited areas, virtually untouched. The first story lines that draw what is now the City of Luis Guillon be integrated into the layout of the town, Colonia and Monte largest manufacturing center, approved by the Executive of the Province of Buenos Aires on April 3, 1889 , signed by the Governor Dr. Máximo Paz and Public Works Minister Don Manuel R. Gonnet. Don Luis Guillon was part of the founding of the Agricultural technology and Veterinary School "Santa Catalina". Committee member of the first building that joins the first settlers of Esteban Echeverría, created in March 1896. Attended all the demonstrations that led to the autonomy this party. Luis Guillon had married Doña Emilia Segreste, granddaughter of Don Desiderio Segreste, counter staff of Brigadier General Don Juan Manuel de Rosas, who donated for this relationship, the famous "Gateway to Historic", located in 119 of the Falklands Our Monte large. He died tragically on August 13, 1923. Already in the book, his descendant, Mr Rodolfo Guillon, 1938, we read that while in Europe with Mr. Enrique Santamarina, conceived the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding the Party in 1913. Several neighbors of the current locations of Tristan Smith, Ezeiza, Monte Grande and Luis Guillon, support their management first and then taking a commission land and money for various works.

Here is a list of those pioneers

Castro Chavez Enrique Santamarina Fernando de Toro

Herminio Jorge Luis Guillon
Manuel Ferro

Pedro Miguel Garcia Fernandez Rodolfo Reta
Di Cio
Vicente Ramos

Saturday, May 17, 2008

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

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Center Parish" The Annunciation "- José 310 Hernandez

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dental Office Cover Letter

Altar of the Parish "Annunciation"

the parish's history begins on June 1, 1938, when he placed the sign construction information on current land located in the block by Hernandez Street, George Miles, Urbano Gonzalez and Mendiondo, some of which were donated by Mr Arturo Chiodin.

Luis Gnecco, founder of the House of Luis Guillon. He died in January 1952.

The sign read "This will rise buildings, churches and children's recreation yard, dedicated to the Annunciation Mary, the work of the Children of Mary Immaculate. "The foundation stone was blessed through the Superior Santiago Bruzzone, on April 30, 1939 .- On March 25, 1943, the executive branch of the Nation, gave the local Ombudsman Legal to the Congregation of the Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate, but for lack of priests are canceled trades until 1946 .- In 1947 starts to work again on Sunday Oratory, celebrated from November Masses in a boudoir 6.00 X 4.00 meters
.- Primitive House Luis Guillon, 1939-1952.

The March 14, 1951 inaugurated the House aspirant studies and Annunciation, and its first priest, Father Joseph Sozzi responsible .- By this time the chapel is extended through the work of Mrs. Chiodín and local contribution .- The 31 December 1952 the first issue of the newspaper El messenger of the Annunciation "and the December 8, 1955, opens the niche for the Virgin .-

Seated: Marchese, Ghio Ferrari, Bertolotto, Sacco. Standing: M. Quadraccia, j. sozzi, Marsilio, J. Terenziani, T. Angeletti, J. P. Santi Forti.

The September 21, 1956 was ordained and celebrated his first Mass in Rome, the first student of this university, Father Salvador Laterra .- On January 24 1958, the Bishop of Lomas de Zamora, Monsignor Shell, rising to the rank of Vicar of the chapel, the first Vicar was the father Juan Terenziani .- On August 4, 1963, the Bishop presides over the ceremony creation Parish, appointment and swearing and making position of the first parish priest, Father Mario Quadraccia .-

Monday, May 12, 2008

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Biblioteca Popular "Florentino Ameghino" (Your Home)

On 25 August 1963 a group of residents formed the first Board of Directors of the Public Library Foundation Florentino Ameghino. They were:
President: Dr. Jorge M. Guetat (Young local attorney)
First Vice President: Mr. Antonio de Sarro
Second Vice President: Mr. Hector R. D'Andrea
Secretary and General Coordinator: Mr. Rolando Alberto
Recording Secretary: Leah Micheletti
St. Members: Mr. Antonio Quian
Ghibaudi Mrs. Bridget Walsh of Mr. Charles Nahabedian
Ms. Elena MH
Flammarion Ms. Emma Chalotti in Black
Mr. Eugene Mc Cormick St. Irene Ghibaudi
Dr. Isaac Babruskis
Mr. Joseph C. Ms. Margarita
Kelli Walsh
Rueda Santa Nilda

There was a primitive offering the "Association de Mayo" for the library will work at its headquarters, but never materialized. The committee decided to initiate steps to obtain a proper place, as there was no money to buy a lot and build, we decided to rent a garage, located across the street Madariaga 577, almost in the corner with the present Boulevard Avenida Bs As , whose owner, sr. Tanuscio Oscar, offered favorable conditions for their rent, in a gesture of commitment to the laudable project. Taking shape and the desire to have a own headquarters. One of the first decisions of the committee was to establish a name for the library, being the chosen "Florentino Ameghino Public Library." The first fundraising event held was a bazaars which took place at the local College Mariano Moreno, kindly provided by the owner Mrs. Elena MH Flammarion. The first requirement calling for the Humane Society of Public Libraries in La Plata, for the registration of the library as "Popular Library", was to have at least 1000 books. This figure does not intimidate the organizers, Ms. Elena Flammarion and Bridget Walsh Ghibaudi at the forefront of the crusade, began to devise ways to bring together the required amount books.

Ms. Brigida
Ghibaudi Collette Walsh (03/06/1906 to 07/20/2007)

The growing influx of donations of reading material, quickly formed a strong stock volume, which allowed to partially enable the library headquarters, on March 16, 1964. Finally, on May 24, 1964 was the official opening of the institution, being designated as the first librarian, Mrs.. De Alba. The garage did not work, because due to the precarious nature of their construction and water entering the books got wet, so he decided to seek land to the municipality to build there a prefabricated classroom and to transfer the Library. Finally, the City gave the land where they built the library building. The building was a true community action where each of the neighbors helped with something. Every kid who came to the library was responsible for his family to sell at least one tile. In the concrete base where the tiles would be set then, the structure was drawn and there each of the employees placed his signature.

Currently, the Library has approximately 400 members with their families, who with their membership fees contribute to the maintenance and operation thereof. Today the institution has a beautiful building with a consultation room and a quiet reading room through which pass about 100 daily users, students, professionals and ordinary readers, who visit the Library for information. The shelves have multiplied all over the walls, full of encyclopedias and books for various levels of education: EGB, polymodal, Tertiary and University, covering the areas of Literature, History, Economics, Medicine, Law, Agriculture, Humanities, Sciences and teaching in their various specialties. The collection now exceeds 25,000 volumes and includes some books of 1800. With the technological support offered by the PC, produced two databases one for members and another for bibliographic records, which have been improved and streamlined information searches and book loans. Faithful to the principles instilled in him by the organizers the Library has always developed a strong cultural activity with community outreach. With this objective we organize conferences, courses and workshops run by professionals from different areas, who selflessly give their time and expertise to support the institution.

The Chazarreta of Ms. Susana Adriana Linares and Maria Rosa Villafana Ghibaudi Manoukian, part of the Executive Committee of the Popular Library Florentino Ameghino.

Ameghino 1640 - Phone 4281-6384

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Corona Ca Distribution Center

Rotary Club of Luis Guillon - Ameghino 1654 (Among Madariaga and Mendoza)

Founded May 8, 1980, Rotary is an international association of business leaders and professionals of both sexes who provide humanitarian service, encourage implementation of high ethical standards in all vocations and help build on the good will and peace in the world. There are more than 31,000 Rotary clubs in 166 countries, with approximately 1.2 million Rotarians. "" Members of Rotary clubs constitute a representative sample of men and women dedicated to professional and business activities of their communities. Rotary clubs around the world meet weekly and are nonpolitical, nonreligious and open to all cultures, races and creeds. "
was the world's leading service club, began its activities with the formation of the Rotary Club Chicago, Illinois, USA, on February 23, 1905, founded by a young man trying to recreate the spirit of friendship common among business people in small towns in which they had vivido.El objective of Rotary is encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of company worthy, this statement immediately mentioned areas by which this ideal of service is funded through the fellowship among its members as an opportunity to serve, promoting high ethical standards in our life and activities, as well as community goodwill , understanding and peace in the world. The ideal of service is the key phrase in the Object of Rotary. It is the attitude of being a person who cares and helps all the efforts of another person.

Some of its activities in Luis Guillon:

actively participated in founding the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Luis Guillon.
Principal Manager of the Red Cross Branch Esteban Echeverría. Donated beds, blood pressure, stethoscopes, crutches, walking sticks, tripods, etc.
was carried out a program catering equipment in our district through the donation of two new Whirlpool refrigerators, kitchen sets Whirpool new tables, chairs and benches refurbished.
With the contribution of Rotary International and the Red Cross to 2,500 children were vaccinated against polio
more than 200,000 were given rations of soybeans and other food pantries ninety.
charge of the Women's Branch were issued 26 kinds of "kitchen with soy" in establishments where such food is delivered. Managed
funds from the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires for the construction of Model Kindergarten No. 915. First
NGO involved in the "National Literacy Plan" through which more than 200 people have learned to read and write in the course of 2005 by establishing 30 centers associated with one tema.En dedicated to literacy in addition to the hard of hearing teaching reading and writing were taught in sign language comprehension Argentina.
maintains a program of providing orthotics to people of limited resources. Currently
doomed to building your headquarters, where it will undergo job training courses promoted by the Ministry of Social Action and literacy and Argentina sign language for hearing loss.
School No. 8: donation of the proceeds from a rock, books and shoes.
School No. 18: materials for the installation of gas, curtains, books and chairs.
School No 19: donation typewriters. Home
disabilities: delivery of stoves and cookers.
Biblioteca Popular F. Ameghino Luis Guillon: donation of books. Parish
Annunciation installation of bathrooms and playgrounds delivery ..
With the assistance of Mr Peter Ruben Campomar Rotger edited a book of regional history that was given to all middle schools and institutions Luis Guillon and April 9. Today is near the publication of a second edition with the same fate.
distinguished the best companions for each school. Honored
Don Luis Guillon discovering a bust in his memory. Taught courses
kitchen with soy Municipal Dining - Dining Community - Childcare - Evangelical Temple - Kindergartens - Schools - Health Units - Rotary Clubs - Building Societies - Catholic parishes and even the Library Florentino Ameghino. Also issued a class on television covering the same subject in the program Lita of Lazari.

Brief overview of what has been done to date June 2009:

In 2005 the Rotary Club of Luis Guillon signed an agreement with the Ministry of National Education, to implement the National Literacy Program in the District of Esteban Echeverría. From that date until 2009, this opened 55 literacy centers, where they have learned to read and write more than 500 people in our party.
The Club sponsors a Kids Center Deaf and Hard of Hearing since 2005. Currently this center has an enrollment of 40 children receiving computer classes, day Wednesdays and Saturdays at the House of Youth, under the Municipality, a professor of computer science, which dominates the sign language.
All these kids get a monthly allowance under the program "Adolescent Project" of the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires. In addition, 15 of them received a scholarship from the Ministry of Education's Office for the program "Educational Inclusion."
few months ago completed construction of Rotary Headquarters, dream long cherished by the members since its founding in 1980, and now has undertaken the installation of the cabinets, kitchen furniture and finishing details of the Hall .
The purpose is to open a space for our neighbors and in this sense we have signed an agreement with the Provincial Directorate of Vocational Training to act as Regional Headquarters dictation eb Trades Course with job skills. Are already dictating the course "Electrician" and "Appliance Repair Course" for free, since 2009.
addition to an agreement with Mr Felipe Sánchez Professor, is working on this see a "School of Upholstery."
On the other hand is working on creating a "cultural center" for the promotion of various manifestations of Art and Culture, for the community of Esteban Echeverría community in general and in particular Luis Guillon. In this context
May 30 last, took place in the Hall of the Headquarters a "Literary Cafe", which brought together poets, writers and local artists, with a call to the entire community. Ehanges
were two plays to free access, with the valuable contribution of Professor, Sr and Professor Saul Åsnes Mr. Eduardo Nicolau, and its talented cast.
In this June was a folk to raise funds to benefit the community, involving "Ad honorem" of local artists, as Mr Coco Diaz, Mr. Michael Gerace, Ballet Folklorico "Senderos Tradition " Folk Group "Joel Cantor of the People", with the presence of authorities from the Public Library Florentino Ameghino and the English Society of Monte Grande, among others, and neighbors.
In another vein we continue administering the "Bank of Orthopaedic elements" of the Club, through which is provided free, wheel chairs, orthopedic beds, crutches, walking sticks, tripods, walkers, etc. those who lack the resources to purchase or rent these items.
It also continues to recycle or repair of orthotics in disuse that bring us people of good will, so they can return to perform the vital function of they are intended.
On June 18, 2009 will be presented at the headquarters of the Rotary Club of Luis Guillon, the "Digital Libraries 60 Public Schools and Public Libraries of Esteban Echeverría.
A Primary and Secondary Schools and Public Libraries: A Digital Library with 3000 volumes. At kindergarten: A Library of Books as well audiobooks, with 200 children's stories and educational children's songs. A Special Schools and the Blind: Talking Digital library of 500 audiobooks.

Pictured Pedro Gugliota, I, Carlos Souza, Carlos Alonso and Fernando Mitri.
"La Hora del Rotary Club Luis Guillon "Monday from 19.00 to 20.00 Hrs of Excelsior Radio AM 1160.