Monday, May 12, 2008

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Biblioteca Popular "Florentino Ameghino" (Your Home)

On 25 August 1963 a group of residents formed the first Board of Directors of the Public Library Foundation Florentino Ameghino. They were:
President: Dr. Jorge M. Guetat (Young local attorney)
First Vice President: Mr. Antonio de Sarro
Second Vice President: Mr. Hector R. D'Andrea
Secretary and General Coordinator: Mr. Rolando Alberto
Recording Secretary: Leah Micheletti
St. Members: Mr. Antonio Quian
Ghibaudi Mrs. Bridget Walsh of Mr. Charles Nahabedian
Ms. Elena MH
Flammarion Ms. Emma Chalotti in Black
Mr. Eugene Mc Cormick St. Irene Ghibaudi
Dr. Isaac Babruskis
Mr. Joseph C. Ms. Margarita
Kelli Walsh
Rueda Santa Nilda

There was a primitive offering the "Association de Mayo" for the library will work at its headquarters, but never materialized. The committee decided to initiate steps to obtain a proper place, as there was no money to buy a lot and build, we decided to rent a garage, located across the street Madariaga 577, almost in the corner with the present Boulevard Avenida Bs As , whose owner, sr. Tanuscio Oscar, offered favorable conditions for their rent, in a gesture of commitment to the laudable project. Taking shape and the desire to have a own headquarters. One of the first decisions of the committee was to establish a name for the library, being the chosen "Florentino Ameghino Public Library." The first fundraising event held was a bazaars which took place at the local College Mariano Moreno, kindly provided by the owner Mrs. Elena MH Flammarion. The first requirement calling for the Humane Society of Public Libraries in La Plata, for the registration of the library as "Popular Library", was to have at least 1000 books. This figure does not intimidate the organizers, Ms. Elena Flammarion and Bridget Walsh Ghibaudi at the forefront of the crusade, began to devise ways to bring together the required amount books.

Ms. Brigida
Ghibaudi Collette Walsh (03/06/1906 to 07/20/2007)

The growing influx of donations of reading material, quickly formed a strong stock volume, which allowed to partially enable the library headquarters, on March 16, 1964. Finally, on May 24, 1964 was the official opening of the institution, being designated as the first librarian, Mrs.. De Alba. The garage did not work, because due to the precarious nature of their construction and water entering the books got wet, so he decided to seek land to the municipality to build there a prefabricated classroom and to transfer the Library. Finally, the City gave the land where they built the library building. The building was a true community action where each of the neighbors helped with something. Every kid who came to the library was responsible for his family to sell at least one tile. In the concrete base where the tiles would be set then, the structure was drawn and there each of the employees placed his signature.

Currently, the Library has approximately 400 members with their families, who with their membership fees contribute to the maintenance and operation thereof. Today the institution has a beautiful building with a consultation room and a quiet reading room through which pass about 100 daily users, students, professionals and ordinary readers, who visit the Library for information. The shelves have multiplied all over the walls, full of encyclopedias and books for various levels of education: EGB, polymodal, Tertiary and University, covering the areas of Literature, History, Economics, Medicine, Law, Agriculture, Humanities, Sciences and teaching in their various specialties. The collection now exceeds 25,000 volumes and includes some books of 1800. With the technological support offered by the PC, produced two databases one for members and another for bibliographic records, which have been improved and streamlined information searches and book loans. Faithful to the principles instilled in him by the organizers the Library has always developed a strong cultural activity with community outreach. With this objective we organize conferences, courses and workshops run by professionals from different areas, who selflessly give their time and expertise to support the institution.

The Chazarreta of Ms. Susana Adriana Linares and Maria Rosa Villafana Ghibaudi Manoukian, part of the Executive Committee of the Popular Library Florentino Ameghino.

Ameghino 1640 - Phone 4281-6384


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