Monday, May 5, 2008

Pinewood Derby Imperial Star Destroyer

No. 8 - "Hipólito Yrigoyen"

1749 March 8, 1928 created the Rural Common School No. 8 (1st to 4th grade), the first School of Luis Guillon. Began operating in the town of May. The site of work from April 13 of that year was located in Mitre Street between France and Italy, owned by a neighbor Sunday Ferro. The construction was material and had 3 classrooms, gallery, bathrooms and kitchen. The managers were in charge of teacher Ana Maria L. Martinez, a resident of Monte Grande whom the opening day was greeted warmly at the station for future students and Neighborhood Commission up to the firing of firecrackers. He had enrolled for one hundred fifty students. En1951 recently had its own building. The first teacher was Mrs. Mary Esther Lombardi Balestrini.

The first students were: Luis
Angelini, Emilia Aldeari, Hugo Vignola, Alicia Cristobal, Leonardo D'Audia, Antonio Ferrari, Eduardo Fernandez, Catullus Gómez, Mercedes García, Vicente Libonatto, Francisco Libonatto, Rosendo Menendez Rosa Menendez, Adolfo Otero, Pedro Celma, Celia Celma, Nicolas Dieguez, Juan Dieguez, Carolina D'Stefano, Rosa De Luca, Sebastian Infante, Emilio Infante, Elena Bolomino, Leila Castiñeira, Raul Castro, Antonia Belma, Joseph Donadio Jose De Luca, A. De Stefano, Jose Dieguez, Ernesto Fernández, María Esther Fernández Carlos Gómez, Antonio Iglesias, Raphael Landolfi, Antonio Libonatto, Lucia Martinez, Juan Norberto Olivera. Alfredo Otero, Sara Otero, Sara Amelia Pisani, Maria Esther Rago, Rago Pedro, Concepción Russes, Martin tertian Norberto Angelica Troncoso and Troncoso.
The significant population growth by lot at the Villas Sofia, Park Dolphins and Mirasoles forced in 1951 he effected the transfer from school to the new building of Independence 1749 with the name of School # 8 "Hipólito Yrigoyen "where students were distributed in 28 degrees in two shifts. Friday March 8, 2008 turned 80 .-


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